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Sunday 12 December 2010

Final Thoughts . . .

Well, our journey has ended. It has been wonderful to have had the opportunity to meet such committed Christians. Although they are poor financially they are richer than we are in some ways. They welcomed us with open arms and genuinely can twait to share their last food with us. What a lot we have learnt! We hope by being in their houses they will remember that we are praying for their success and future projects and that they feel supported.

Mozambique - a country of extremes. Extreme beauty, extreme colour, extreme poverty and extreme faith and love for the Lord Jesus. I had no idea what to expect or what to find and am coming home with an inner peace and calm and a better understanding of what we can do to help Bernadette and the congregations we visited.
It was so important that we went. What we were able to give and share with everyone in Christian love and fellowship was more than any money could possibly achieve. The overwhelming and uplifting spiritual joy which we have all felt sharing praise, worship and prayer with all we met is priceless.
We were guided physically and spiritually by pastor Danie Murray, a channel for God's love and understanding. We have all shared so much love, laughter, tears and joy with everyone we met that I feel humbled when I see how much is being done with so little for so many.
I feel blessed to have been able to share this experience with my fellow travellers and feel this is not the end of my journey, just the beginning.

For me the mission to Mozambique has been an experience of a lifetime. Before leaving I had some doubts that given my age (68, ed.) I was perhaps not the correct person evangelising in a foreign country where I did not speak the language. However, given the warmth of the welcomes we received at every location, and the hospitality extended to us it became clear that I slotted into the team with ease. The enthusiasm of the Christians we met in the various locations was a joy to behold and an unforgettable, uplifting experience. I addition pastor Danie Murray, our guide, translator, driver and spiritual leader might be succinctly described as "God's love in action". It was a huge privilege for us to have Danie with us and I can honestly say that our Lord, working through Danie, has strengthened and deepened my own faith to a level which I have not ever known in the past.

For two weeks we have walked closely with deeply religious missionaries and seen the communities they work for. They speak openly about their great love for God and God is central in everything they do. This has made a deep impression on us all. We have seen and we now understand the local needs, we have informed and discussed, we have laughed and cried, we have comforted and been comforted.
We have created new friendships which will last because they are part of a bigger plan (as pastor Danie would say). All of us have felt the need and made fresh commitments to lead our lives with a stronger commitment to God. This mission trip will change the lives of the team and the congregation and our friends in Mozambique for sure.

This is the end of our blog. We hope you enjoyed reading it.
If you have any questions please mail Martin Beck at this address:

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